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7 Amazing affirmations to accept yourself when feeling anxious!

What are affirmations?

How do they work? 

How often can we use them?

These questions are the subject of today’s note.

Hola Mis Amores,

Today I would like to talk to you about affirmations.

You may have seen them on your Instagram feed,

Or perhaps you even have a whole board on Pinterest with a carefully curated collection of your favorites affirmations online.

Or maybe you have no idea what an affirmation is.

Either way, if you’ve ever been curious about affirmations, you’ll love today’s note.

And if your mind is already getting restless about how to get started, 

No need to worry!

Because I’ve included 7 affirmations designed to help you accept yourself whenever you are feeling anxious during the week.

Let’s dive in!

Affirmations are statements specifically designed to encourage and support your desired beliefs by grounding you in the present moment.

You see,

The mind is extremely powerful!

If you’ve ever felt anxiety (obsessing about the future) or depression (obsessing about the past),

You know first hand how quickly the thoughts in the mind can take a hold of you and shift your entire mood – even your life!

It’s important to understand that the mind is obsessed with problem-solving, and it will pull you towards that whether you have a problem or not.

Take a moment and think about a time in the last week when you felt amazing,

Got it? Great!

Now, how long did that feeling last?

1 minute? 5 minutes? 1 hour? The whole day?

Chances are that feeling didn’t last as long as it could have.

Here’s what I’ve found:

What does the mind do when you’re feeling amazing?

It will find a reason to worry, a problem to solve, if it doesn’t have one, guess what, it will create one!

This is what the Buddhists call a monkey mind. 

It jumps from one thought to another taking your attention with it every step of the way.

Why does this matter?

Any time you allow the mind to pull your attention at will, you remove your attention from the present moment and get stuck in your head.

You go on autopilot!

Every single second you spend in your head focused on imaginary or self-imposed perceived problems,

… is a second that you’re not spending in the present moment taking action to address the behaviors or circumstances that can help you achieve the life you envision for yourself.

What’s important to understand is that you can only take action in the present moment.

And affirmations have the power to pull you from the lure of the mind and ground in the present moment.

Like one of my favorite authors, Eckhart Tolle says:

All we have is the Now!

So how do affirmations work?

I think of affirmations as reminders of our true power.

They help us reconnect and strengthen parts of ourselves that we’ve surrendered out of fear of making a mistake or worry of not being good enough.

The best way to use affirmations is to recite them both in the mind and out loud anytime you’re feeling the mind enticing you with its problem-solving obsession.

Sometimes you’ll catch yourself stuck in your head after hours of ruminating or dwelling on a situation,

Other times you’ll notice the mind as it is getting ready to pull you in,

As soon as you’re aware that you’re stuck in your head, lean into one of these affirmations and feel each word in your body.

Concentrate on taking deep breaths and focus on the flow of energy within your body.

Become aware of your breath and watch how saying these affirmations quiets the mind in a kind and compassionate way.


  1. I accept all parts of me, with kindness and compassion. I feel at ease.
  1. I accept that making mistakes is part of the learning process. I feel empowered.
  1. I am grateful for releasing the fear of failure. Failure is simply feedback and an invitation to try a different way. I feel grounded.
  1. I accept that learning can feel uncomfortable. I am grateful for giving myself permission to grow. I feel lighter.
  1. I accept that all I have is the NOW. I give it my full attention feeling enthusiastic and calm. 
  1. I accept that everything happening at this moment is here to help me manifest the deepest desires of my soul’s purpose. I feel present.
  1. I accept that I can only control myself, my thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. I feel joyful as I release any attachment to wanting to control others.

My hope is that each and every one of these affirmations will ground you in the here and now, and aid you as you build your self-trust.

Do you use affirmations

What are your go-to affirmations?

Please send them my way, after all, sharing is caring!

To Your Authenticity,
nory pouncil
Hasta Luego!

Unleash Your Best Self + Live A Life of Ease!

Master a life full of ease surrounded by ICONS committed to being the best version of themselves with joy, fun and enthusiasm.

A simple 3 step-by-step process to LOVE YOURSELF with ease!

A simple 3 step-by-step process to LOVE YOURSELF with ease!

Hola Mis Amores,

How’s your spirit today?

I’ve been incredibly blessed by God’s grace and unwavering Love!

Even took a week-long vacation with Husbae.

We spent time burying our toes in the sand, literally dancing in the rain and soaking up the sun with no tech on sight (besides our phone).

Because that’s Self-Love!

Taking time to do whatever you need to feel more peace, joy, and equanimity.

This brings me to today’s ritual to help you love yourself with ease.


We have to understand that learning to love yourself can feel frustrating at times,

Because you may feel that by now you “should have it  together.”

… whatever that means.

And if you’re in your 30s or close to your 30s, {{ subscriber.first_name }}, 

…. that pressure feels heavier every single day.

As difficult as this may be to believe, 

Many of us feel this way and often are convinced we’re alone.

Of course, this isn’t true, but it doesn’t make the feels any less real.

I’ve discovered that “having it together” is an illusion.

Rooted in ideas that have nothing to do with unconditional self-love.

You see, we learn self-love from the people around us, not by what they say, but what they do.

But the truth is,

What works for them, may not work for us.

Here are four questions to consider:

  • What makes you happy?
  • What brings you joy?
  • Who are you becoming?
  • Do you like that person?

At its core,

Self-love is all about Self-Discovery!

Discovering who you are and re-introducing yourself to yourself.

Here is the process that has helped me navigate self-love.

  1. Do an inventory of who you’ve become. You’ll get clear on who you are and how you feel about the person you’ve become.
  2. Redefine self-love. Give yourself permission to accept yourself, because that’s a prerequisite to change. It is ok to love yourself and want to change parts of yourself.
  3. Be ok with where you are in this moment as you grow! Remember that we all have to start somewhere, and it is ok! Give yourself kindness, compassion, and grace!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Since I learned to love myself,

Getting paralyzed by fear, stressing over the things I can’t control, and feeling overwhelmed by not taking action is now a thing of the past.

That’s why there is no doubt in my mind that you can do this too!

If you want a deeper explanation of this process, and insight into my journey through self-love feel free to watch this short video.

I’d love to know your thoughts!

Seriously, just comment below; I’ll be sure to read it and share a helpful tip to get you started.

To Your Authenticity,
nory pouncil
Hasta Luego!

PS: Want to get notified when I release new videos? Subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

Unleash Your Best Self + Live A Life of Ease!

Master a life full of ease surrounded by ICONS committed to being the best version of themselves with joy, fun and enthusiasm.

#Asknory – “Why do I avoid negative emotions?”

#Asknory – “Why do I avoid negative emotions?”

Hola Mis Amores,

One of my students asked me,

“Why do I avoid negative emotions?”

That is such a powerful question,

This may not apply to you,

But I want to share it,

Because she found it extremely helpful.

Here’s what I’ll cover:

  • Why we avoid negative emotions,
  • How to release the emotions we avoid,
  • How acceptance leads to change,
  • How You’re already nailing it!

Sometimes we avoid certain emotions,

Because it feels uncomfortable.

But the more we embrace these emotions,

The more confident we become!

Ready for your question of the day:

How do you currently react when you feel uncomfortable emotions?

Seriously, just comment below; I’ll be sure to read it and share a helpful tip to get you started.

To Your Authenticity,
nory pouncil
Hasta Luego!

PS: Want to get notified when I release new videos? Subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

Unleash Your Best Self + Live A Life of Ease!

Master a life full of ease surrounded by ICONS committed to being the best version of themselves with joy, fun and enthusiasm.

How not listening to my intuition drove me to depression

How not listening to my intuition drove me to depression

Hola Mis Amores!

One of the fastest ways to manifest more elements of the life you envision for yourself is by asking yourself what is costing you to not trust your intuition’s voice with more consistency.

Because, Honesty.

Most of us actively ignore our intuition, because it doesn’t always feel easy or comfortable to follow it. Even if that means ending up, depressed, lost, or disoriented, and miserable.

But when you trust your intuition no matter what,

You feel like you’re showing up as your best self, with calm and courage. You feel grateful for all parts of yourself because you accept that they are key reminders you’re growing while walking your purpose.

You legit feel like you’re living your best life,

… even when it doesn’t feel good!

That’s why today, I am getting a little personal about what not trusting my intuition has cost me, including how it drove me to depression.

If you’re anything like me, having a different perspective can make all the difference in helping you get out of your head.

Here’s what I’ll cover:

  • How not trusting myself drove me to depression,
  • The manifestations of not trusting your intuition with consistency,
  • The best questions to ask yourself to self-reflect,
  • The biggest challenge when facing uncomfortable parts of your reality.

Ready for your question of the day:

What’s your biggest challenge trusting yourself right now?

Seriously, just comment below; I’ll be sure to read it and share a helpful tip to get you started.

To Your Authenticity,
nory pouncil
Hasta Luego!

PS: Want to get notified when I release new videos? Subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

Unleash Your Best Self + Live A Life of Ease!

Master a life full of ease surrounded by ICONS committed to being the best version of themselves with joy, fun and enthusiasm.

3 reasons why most female founders don’t trust themselves consistently

3 reasons why most female founders don’t trust themselves consistently

Hola Mis Amores!

One of the biggest challenges to having inner peace, and manifesting the life of our dreams, is not being able to trust yourself with yourself.

That’s why today I am sharing 3 of the reasons why most female founders don’t trust themselves consistently.

Here’s what I cover:

  • Fear of the unknown,
  • Dependency on validation from others to take action,
  • Attachments to expectations created without facts.

After watching this training, I have one question for you:

Which of these three reasons are you dealing with the most?

Seriously, just comment below; I’ll be sure to read it and share a helpful tip to get you started.

To Your Authenticity,
nory pouncil
Hasta Luego!

PS: Want to get notified when I release new videos? Subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

Unleash Your Best Self + Live A Life of Ease!

Master a life full of ease surrounded by ICONS committed to being the best version of themselves with joy, fun and enthusiasm.

The 3 phases to manifest your highest self with calm and courage this year!

The 3 phases to manifest your highest self with calm and courage this year!

Hola Mi Amor!

In this video, I will show you the 3 phases you must navigate to manifest your highest self with calm and courage this year!

Just so you know you’re not alone,

These are the exact phases that my clients and I go through, and many of the world’s most successful female founders lean on to manifest their highest selves with calm + courage.

Most people constantly doubt their abilities and don’t feel like they’re making the right decisions in their lives and business.

The result:

They overwork themselves to burn out and feel frustrated because they don’t know if they’re making any progress.

But this year doesn’t have to be that way.

… and I want to ensure you’re equipped with the best tools to manage your time better, so you can be in the present moment, and finish what you start.

Here’s what I’ll cover:

  • Our theme for this month!
  • The 3 phase process to manifest your highest self with calm and courage this year,
  • The 3 common mistakes to avoid,
  • My go-to strategy to remain consistent, even when it doesn’t feel good.

After watching this training, I have one question for you:

Which step you want to focus on first!

Seriously, just comment below; I’ll be sure to read it and share a helpful tip to get you started.

To Your Authenticity,
nory pouncil
Hasta Luego!

PS: Want to get notified when I release new videos? Subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

Unleash Your Best Self + Live A Life of Ease!

Master a life full of ease surrounded by ICONS committed to being the best version of themselves with joy, fun and enthusiasm.

How to stop giving up unconditional self-love in name of validation!

Hola Mis Amor,

How’s your spirit today?

Every Wednesday from 10 am – 12 pm; I have a date with myself.

If you do not have a standing date with yourself on your calendar at least once a week, I highly recommend it.

Checking your growth is a game-changer because it forces you to look at your progress based on your bigger goals.

In other words, it gets you out of the details and into the big picture so that you can remain both focused and encouraged.

I always make a list of the week’s biggest challenges and strategies to improve in the future.

It’s like hitting the reset button.

Do you ever check in with yourself during the week?

Believe it or not,

Most people rarely build time in their schedule to check on their spirit.

Which is usually a sign that,

… we’re not putting ourselves first.

Of course, this is normal.

And very common.

Here’s what happens when you do not prioritize yourself.

  • You struggle to believe in our ability to make your dreams a reality.
  • You do not trust your intuition with consistency
  • You trade unconditional self-love for validation.

If you want to break generational curses + leave a legacy of generational wealth,

Prioritizing yourself has to be a NON-NEGOTIABLE.

Because when you check in with yourself regularly, you’re less likely to feel overwhelmed and frustrated if everything doesn’t go as planned.

Without feeling overwhelmed, you can channel your energy + attention to what you want.

Taking consistent, intuitive action towards the life you envision for yourself!

Prioritizing yourself is part of cultivating your self-trust.


When you prioritize your needs, you give yourself permission to fail without feeling guilt or shame.

Prioritizing myself, has transformed my life and the life of my clients’.

Learning to believe in my abilities unconditionally helped me go from feeling confused and frustrated to calm and courageous whenever I feel uncomfortable,

Truly living the life I envisioned for myself!

Trusting myself with myself every step of the way.

When you trust yourself, you feel empowered to walk in your purpose without feeling paralyzed by overthinking and fear of failure.

If you’re struggling with prioritizing yourself, and your needs: 

The most important thing you need to understand is that having standing meetings with yourself is only a small part of an effective self-trust strategy. 

What you’re looking at here,

Is proven framework we use to help female founders unleash their self-trust in 90 days, without feeling paralyzed by overthinking or fear of failure, so that they can live the life they envisioned for themselves.

So I have one question for you?

What is your biggest frustration prioritizing yourself right now?

Please comment below  and let me know!

PS: Want to get notified when I release new videos? Subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

Unleash Your Best Self + Live A Life of Ease!

Master a life full of ease surrounded by ICONS committed to being the best version of themselves with joy, fun and enthusiasm.

A simple strategy to respond to your triggers with ease!

A simple strategy to respond to your triggers with ease!

Hola Mi Amor, 

If you’ve tried every single self-discipline hack on youtube,

… and you’re still wondering why you can’t respond to your triggers with ease,

I created this short training video just for you!

Before Getting Started:

  • Take a deep breath!
  • Grab your favorite journal/ notebook and pen.

Here’s what I’ll cover:

  • How do triggers work,
  • The 3 components of a trigger,
  • The best strategy to respond to your triggers with ease, especially when it feels uncomfortable.

Since I got clear on how triggers work, I am much better at preserving my inner peace no matter what comes my way,

Stressing over things I cannot control and feeling paralyzed by overthinking is now a thing of the past.

If you would like to know how I did it,

… and more importantly how you can do it too,

You’ll love today’s short video.

After watching this training, I have one question for you:

Which component of the trigger do you want to focus on nurturing right now?

Seriously, just comment below; I’ll be sure to read it, and thank you.

To Your Authenticity,
nory pouncil
Hasta Luego!

PS: Want to get notified when I release new videos? Subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

Unleash Your Best Self + Live A Life of Ease!

Master a life full of ease surrounded by ICONS committed to being the best version of themselves with joy, fun and enthusiasm.